If you need Dedicated Internet Access please contact us and we will provide you with a quote. We also provide point-to-point IP services across our network if you need to connect multiple locations in Iraq. For mission critical bandwidth needs, we suggest dedicated bandwidth which has guaranteed speeds and no usage charges.
Pricing depends on speeds and location. Fully scalable without muxing which can be increased at anytime with a simple software configuration.
All of our services come with at least 1 Static IP. We can supply as many IP’s as a customer can justify.
Mouja Telecom does not block ports that other ISP’s commonly block, allowing the user to operate without having to make special configurations to avoid port filters. We are pleased to provide a quick clean connection to the Internet with latency of 25-90milliseconds to the San Francisco Bay Area depending on installation equipment.
We take a different approach than our competitors. We don’t oversubscribe capacity, we ADD capacity. We are continuously looking to add more towers locations to our network so that we can serve you the most reliable speeds and quality of service. Not only do we want the best service for you, we want it for ourselves. Our employees are also subscribers of our service!
Mouja Business
Small business (1-10 employees) or enterprise more than 10 employees
Download speed
up to 50Mbps
Upload speed
up to 10Mbps
Home equipments
*worth $500
free of charge
Unlimited Support for
5 Devices
Video streaming devices support
(Smart TV’s, Apple TV’s)
Business Network Support
Antivirus Software
Virus Removal Services support
IoT Sensors Connections
* as long as the service is from Mouja. In case the user wants to stop then he has to return the equipments working or pay 400 USD
** any extra sensor costs USD 4 / month for connection only